Print book formatting
Standard Typesetting
$1.50 per page for a standard simple layout with up to 5 images (Biographies, novels)
This includes 2/3 corrections per page and a print ready PDF file. For more extensive corrections a fee will apply.
(Fully edited manuscript to be supplied in word format)
$1.50 per page for a standard simple layout with up to 5 images (Biographies, novels)
This includes 2/3 corrections per page and a print ready PDF file. For more extensive corrections a fee will apply.
(Fully edited manuscript to be supplied in word format)
Recipe book/designed book
$4.90 per page for a layout that requires design, photo sections. This includes minor corrections and a print ready PDF file. For more extensive corrections a fee will apply. (Fully edited manuscript to be supplied in word format) IMPORTANT! (Prices are a guide only. Projects may vary in price depending on complexity of layout/design or extensive corrections. (Fee MUST be AGREED before)
$3.00 per page for a layout that includes, quotes, figures, captions, bullet points, headings, equations, and footnotes. This includes minor corrections and print ready PDF. For more extensive corrections a fee will apply. (Fully manuscript to be supplied in original Word format) |
Still confused? No problem.